
Showing posts from November, 2017

Logistics Facilities

Logistics Facilities Equipment . Tripod . Lighting . Slider/glidecam equipment . Jib/crane . Track and Dolly . Lenses . Camera HD, full HD and sensor size A larger sensor will capture more information Canon Legira Canon 5D Canon 1D Black Magic Cinema Camera Red Camera   Recording sound Sound recorder Microphone Boom pole Wind shield Lighting equipment Gels Filters Lenses Stands Reflectors Post production Edit suite + s/w Sound edit suite + s/w Post-production equipment Post-production equipment refers to the various technical parts during post-production that put the film together and make it presentable for release.  Post-production equipment includes: Picture Edit Sound Edit Visual Effects  Grading  Tilting  Post-production equipment also includes packages and facilities: Picture Editing package: Adobe Premiere  Apple Final Cut Pro AVID Media Composer  Sound Editing facilities: Audacity  AVID Pro Too

logistics Time: Timescales

Timescales . Time . Facilities . Locations . Personnel . Timescales The overall project deadline- and the individual deadlines for discrete phases of production- is one of the most important things to keep in mind. A main issue that can affect a media production project is availability. Such as the client, group members, equipment and facilities. When planning a response to a media production brief, the key players and media producers will have to secure the availability of resources and personnel. All personnel need to be selected based on availability, understanding of commitment and fulfil responsibilities and meet deadlines. Film teams make up a chain. All departments are chained together that means if one department doesn’t meet a deadline it could have a knock on effect on the other departments leading to more deadlines being missed. . Video games: during construction-> pre-production. Sound element, sound libraries, foley work. Knock on effect

Sources of funding

Sources of funding Public and Private Funding There are different methods of film finance these methods are Public, Private and Joint funding. Public film funding is when you go to film councils such as the BFI and get backing from them to make your film, this is easier than private funding because there is a higher chance of get backing from a public fund than a private fund. Private film funding is when the investment fund that funds your project has less than 100 investors or its member investors have substantial funds invested elsewhere. An example of this is Ingenious Media. Private film funding has positives and negatives when compared to public film funding. A reason to pick private funding over public funding is that you will receive a larger budget. This means you can be more free with locations and equipment you hire. Another positive of getting privately funded is the organisation will want to get involved so  there are more creative minds on one project. Ho

Logistics: time: personnel

Availability of personnel What does availability of personnel refer to? Availability of personnel is whether or not a certain person is available for a job, for film projects this covers a very large range of people on the film crew. From actors to equipment operators, the availability of all these people is important to the project as a whole. However the availability of certain people is more important. Such as the main actor/actor's, without them the majority of the scenes can not be filmed and they can not be replaced because they are on set. This is not a problem with people behind the scenes because it doesn't have to be the same person. However there are a few people who are as important as the actors who are behind the scenes like the director and the head of photography. Without them the project could fall apart. Other people who need to be available are people who specialise in using certain equipment. Such as a crane, without them time will be wasted finding a r
Logistics: time: availability of equipment What does availability of equipment refer to? During the production process of a film project there will be times where the film crew will need certain pieces of equipment to successfully shoot the scene how the director wants. Depending on the budget the project has most of the equipment that is needed will be available. However if the director wants a difficult shot such as a moving shot from high up then some equipment might need to be hired to make the shot possible. For example if the director wants a moving shot form a high point then a crane is needed. Hiring equipment can be risky if there is no planning behind it. How is equipment required? Hiring equipment is a business, there are companies that buy expensive equipment that are needed for certain parts of production. They then rent out the equipment for a certain amount of time with a price. There many different companies that do this and many specialise in certain areas of

Pre-production comparison

Pre-production comparison  all forms of media have pre-production, some forms of media have more parts of pre-production than others. Pre-production for film  Pre-production of film  is every part of production before filming starts, film pre-production can be summarised in to four parts. Scenario and script writing, actors character internalisation, production scheduling and budgeting and shooting location surveys and permitting. All parts of pre-production in film are very important for the production as a whole. If you miss out parts of pre-production it will affect the whole of the project. The reason why some directors make mistakes during pre-production is due to the large amount of challenges they might face during pre-production. An example of a unique challenge only in the media form of film during pre-production is shooting locations and permitting, during this part a director might have a good idea of a location they would want to use if they were lazy with their p