logistics Time: Timescales
. Time
. Facilities
. Locations
. Personnel
. Timescales
The overall project deadline- and the individual deadlines
for discrete phases of production- is one of the most important things to keep
in mind.
A main issue that can affect a media production project is
availability. Such as the client, group members, equipment and facilities.
When planning a response to a media production brief, the
key players and media producers will have to secure the availability of
resources and personnel.
All personnel need to be selected based on availability,
understanding of commitment and fulfil responsibilities and meet deadlines.
Film teams make up a chain.
All departments are chained together that means if one
department doesn’t meet a deadline it could have a knock on effect on the other
departments leading to more deadlines being missed.
. Video games: during construction-> pre-production.
Sound element, sound libraries, foley work. Knock on effect on the quality of
product or it has an effect on budget more time spent on this specific area.
. Tv Drama: Hair & Beauty: Stranger things. Big
prophetic work needed. Based in early 1980s so it realises heavily on Hair &
Beauty and Costume. Actors kept waiting and filming is delayed. Very similar to
costume design deadlines not met.
Timescales are very important in a media production no
matter what time of media it is. All departments are linked together so if one
department misses a deadline it will have knock-on effects on other
departments. In film some departments have bigger effects depending on the type
of film that is being produced. For example, Alien (1979) relied heavily on the
costume department due to the alien being a costume due to CGI not being
available at the time. So if the costume department didn’t meet the deadline of
finishing the costume it will have a knock-on effect on other departments. If
the costume is not ready then filming will have to be postponed for the
majority of the scenes because the costume was needed, the lighting department
might have only been available on a certain day but without the costume they
would not be able to film so the lighting team would be pointless at the time.
Receiving feedback is crucial for a film production from a
target audience and client, so the production team has to make sure they leave
time in the production schedule
for feedback to be given and acted on.
The production schedule is a project
plan of how
the production budget will be spent over a given timescale, for every phase of a
business project. The production schedule is important because it reduces the
chances of not meeting deadlines in all the departments.
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