Logistics: time: availability of equipment

What does availability of equipment refer to?

Image result for crane film equipmentDuring the production process of a film project there will be times where the film crew will need certain pieces of equipment to successfully shoot the scene how the director wants. Depending on the budget the project has most of the equipment that is needed will be available. However if the director wants a difficult shot such as a moving shot from high up then some equipment might need to be hired to make the shot possible. For example if the director wants a moving shot form a high point then a crane is needed. Hiring equipment can be risky if there is no planning behind it.

Image result for dollies filmHow is equipment required?

Hiring equipment is a business, there are companies that buy expensive equipment that are needed for certain parts of production. They then rent out the equipment for a certain amount of time with a price. There many different companies that do this and many specialise in certain areas of equipment such as camera equipment or props. An example of this is a company called IndependentGrip which focuses on equipment for moving shots such as cranes and dollies. 

What problems can occur due to the availability of equipment?

There are many problems that can occur due to the availability of equipment because of a few different reasons. For every piece of equipment hired there is a certain amount of time it can be used for before it has to be returned, a deadline. This is one of main reasons why problems can occur with the availability of equipment, if the film crew has not planned the filming schedule with the deadline in mind the filming might not be finished meaning the equipment is still needed. This can be a big problem depending on the budget because if there is not enough budget to spare to have the equipment for longer then the section of the scene might have to be fully cut from the final product. This would take up time to correct and could lead to bigger problems like more deadlines being missed etc. Another problem that can occur is that the equipment that is needed might not be available at the time. Which will have the same consequences as going over the deadline. one problem that is less serious is the wrong equipment might be hired. This is a less serious problem because in some cases the equipment could still be used however some changes will have to be made. For example if the wrong sized crane is hired then the scene might have to be shot at a different angle then planned. However all of these problems can be avoided by planning correctly and not leaving it to the last minute.


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